Early Birds Across Campuses: Predicting Student Performance Using Cross-Institutional Keystroke and Event Log Data


performance prediction
cross-institutional validation
computing education
learning analytics


This study investigates the extent to which early keystroke and event log data from programming exercises can predict final course performance across different institutions and course contexts in computer science education. We conducted a multi-institutional study involving four universities, encompassing various course levels and programming languages. Fine-grained programming behavior data was collected from the first 25% of course activities and used to train and validate predictive models across different institutional contexts. Our Gradient Boosting model achieved consistent performance across institutions, with F1 scores ranging from 0.77 to 0.82. Time spent on initial exercises, frequency of compilation errors, and early code growth rate emerged as the most important predictive features. The model showed higher accuracy for introductory courses compared to advanced ones. This study contributes to the field by demonstrating the feasibility of early, generalizable performance prediction using keystroke and event log data, providing insights into cross-institutional model validity, and identifying a set of context-agnostic features consistently predictive across different course types and institutions. These findings have implications for developing more robust and widely applicable learning analytics tools in computer science education, potentially enabling timely interventions to improve student outcomes.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Lexi Dixon, Tony Tang, Samuel Darmasti (Author)