Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Innovations in Computer Science Education: Exploring Tools, Techniques and Approaches for Enhancing Novice Programmer Learning
Innovations in Computer Science Education: Exploring Tools, Techniques and Approaches for Enhancing Novice Programmer Learning

This issue brings together cutting-edge research on various aspects of computer science education, with a particular focus on supporting novice programmers. The papers cover topics including:

  1. Using keystroke and event log data to predict student performance
  2. Examining how novice programmers utilize automated feedback
  3. Comparing block-based, text-based and hybrid programming environments
  4. Investigating the impact of feedback granularity and adaptive sequencing
  5. Exploring metacognition, motivation and problem-solving in biology education (which provides an interdisciplinary perspective on science education techniques)

Together, these papers provide insights into novel data-driven approaches, programming environments, feedback mechanisms, and pedagogical strategies aimed at improving learning outcomes and experiences for students in introductory computer science courses. The issue highlights current trends in CS education research around leveraging technology and analytics to create more effective, engaging and personalized learning experiences.