This study investigated the impact of automated feedback granularity and adaptive sequencing on novice programmers' conceptual understanding, engagement, and self-efficacy in introductory CS courses. We employed a mixed-methods quasi-experimental design comparing three feedback conditions: coarse-grained non-adaptive, fine-grained non-adaptive, and fine-grained adaptive. Quantitative analysis of 150 students' performance, engagement, and self-efficacy measures over a 15-week semester revealed significant advantages for fine-grained, adaptive feedback. This condition showed higher post-test scores, sustained engagement, and increased self-efficacy compared to other conditions. Qualitative analysis of student interviews illuminated the mechanisms behind these effects, highlighting the importance of targeted, responsive feedback in scaffolding understanding and maintaining motivation. Our findings contribute to the design of effective automated feedback systems in CS education and offer insights into addressing retention issues in introductory programming courses.
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