This mixed-methods study investigated the relationships between metacognitive awareness, academic motivation, problem-solving skills, and Biology achievement among secondary school students in Ethiopia. It also explored effective instructional strategies for fostering these constructs. Quantitative data from 200 students revealed significant positive correlations between all variables, with metacognitive awareness and motivation predicting problem-solving skills and achievement. Qualitative data from interviews and observations with 20 students and 6 teachers identified three key instructional strategies: explicit instruction in metacognitive strategies, authentic problem-solving opportunities, and collaborative learning with reflection. The integration of quantitative and qualitative findings highlighted the interconnected nature of metacognition, motivation, and problem-solving in Biology education and provided insights into effective pedagogical approaches. The study's results have important implications for Biology curriculum design, teacher training, and classroom practices aimed at developing students' metacognitive skills, motivation, and problem-solving abilities.
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