This study investigates the impact of different programming modalities on novice programmers in introductory computer science courses. We conducted a quasi-experimental study comparing block-based, text-based, and hybrid programming environments in high school classrooms over a 5-week period. Using a mixed-methods approach, we analyzed students' conceptual understanding, programming practices, and attitudes across the three modalities. Our findings indicate that both block-based and hybrid approaches led to greater conceptual gains and more positive attitudes compared to text-based programming. However, text-based programming was perceived as more authentic. The hybrid approach showed promise in combining the benefits of both block and text modalities. This study contributes to our understanding of how programming modalities shape novices' learning experiences and has implications for curriculum design and tool selection in introductory CS education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christine Gkreka, Kostas Gavrilis (Author)